Skladba: Heaven
Bbmi Gis Gmi75b Fis
Bbmi Gis Gmi75b
Sometimes Islide away
I slowly lose myself
Over and over
Take comfort in my skin
Surrender to my will
Forever and ever
Dismi Cis Bbmi Cis
I dissolve in trust
Dismi Cisi Bbmi Cis
I will sing with joy
Dismi Cis Bbmi Cis
I will end up dust
I'm in heaven
Bbmi Gis Gmi75b Fis
I stand in golden rays
I burn a fire of love
Over and over
Reflecting endless light
I have embraced the flame
Forever and ever
I will scream the word
Jump into the void
I will guide the world
Up to heaven

Akordy kytara:
Bbmi, Gis, Gmi75b, Fis, Dismi, Cis, Cisi, F7
kytara akord F7 (
Akordy ukulele:
ukulele akord F7 (
Akordy klavír:
klavír, piano akord Bbmi (ír, piano akord Gis (ír, piano akord Gmi75b (ír, piano akord Fis (ír, piano akord Dismi (ír, piano akord Cis (ír, piano akord Cisi (ír, piano akord F7 (
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Depeche Mode - Heaven [text a akordy na]

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Depeche Mode

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