Skladba: Ugly
Autor: Jovi Bon
F#mi E Dmaj7
If you´re ugly I´m ugly too
F#mi E A
In your eyes the sky´s a different blue
If you could see yourself like other do
You wish you were as beautiful as you, yeah
And I wish I was a camera sometimes
So I could take your picture with my mind
Put it in a frame for you to see
How beautiful you really are to me
D E F#mi Dmaj7 E F#mi
Ugly ugly all of us just feel like that somedays
Ain´t no rainbow in the sky
When you fel U.G.L.Y. And thats ugly ugly
Ugly ugly all of us just feel like that somedays
Ain´t no cure that you can buy
When you feel U.G.L.Y. aint´t that´s ugly
So if you´re ugly I´m ugly too
If you´re a nut then I must be a screw
If you could see yourself the way I do
You wish you were as beatiful as you
I wish I was as beautiful as you
F#mi E Dmaj7 F#mi E A A
verse: 2x
D E E F#mi Dmaj7 E F#mi
D E E F#mi Dmaj7 Dmaj7 E E

Akordy kytara:
F#mi, E, Dmaj7, A, D
kytara akord F#mi ( akord E ( akord Dmaj7 ( akord A ( akord D (
Akordy ukulele:
ukulele akord F#mi ( akord E ( akord A ( akord D (
Akordy klavír:
klavír, piano akord F#mi (ír, piano akord E (ír, piano akord Dmaj7 (ír, piano akord A (ír, piano akord D (
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Jovi Bon - Ugly [text a akordy na]

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Jovi Bon

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