Skladba: Bamboleo
Emi Ami7 Emi
Este amor llega asi de esta manera.
H7 Ami6
No tiene la culpa
Caballo de danza vana.
Porque es muy despreciado por eso
No te perdonde llorar
Ami7 Emi
Este amor llega asi esta manera.
H7 Ami6
No tiene la culpa.
Amor de comprementa.
Amor de en el pasado.
Bem, bem....
Emi Ami6
Bamboleo, bambolea,
H7 Emi
Porque mi vida yo la prefiero vivir asi
Bamboleo, bambolea,
H7 Emi
Porque mi vida yo la prefiero vivir asi.
No tenes perden de Dios.
D7 G
Tu eres mi vida, la fortuna del destino,
C Ami
pero el destino el destino del desamparados.
Lo mismo ya que ayer,
Lo mismo soy yo.
(No te encuentro l'abandon.)
D7 G
Eres imposible no te encuentro de verdad
C Ami
Por eso un dia no encuentro si de nada
Lo mismo ya que ayer,
(Lo pienso en ti.)
Ami7 G6 Ami7 G6 Ami7 G6 Ami7 H7
Emi Ami6
Bamboleo, bambolea,
H7 Emi
Porque mi vida yo la prefiero vivir asi
Bamboleo, bambolea,
H7 Emi
Porque mi vida yo la prefiero vivir asi.
That kind of love arrive this way.
It's not its fault.
Horse that dances in vain.
Because its so very scorned that s why
It won t forgive your crying.
That kind of love arrive this way.
It's not its fault.
Love bought and sold.
Love from in the past.
Come on, come on..
Bamboleo, bambolea,
Because that's how I prefer to live my life.
Bamboleo, Bambolea,
Because that's how I prefer to live my life.
You don't have God's forgiveness.
You are my life, the fate of destiny,
in the destiny of abandonment.
Still the same as yesterday,
The same as me.
(I can't find you abandonment)
You're impossible, I can't really find you.
That's why if for any reason I can't find
The same as yesterday,
(I'll be thinking about you.)
Bamboleo, bambolea,
Because that's how I prefer to live my life.
Bamboleo, Bambolea,
Because that's how I prefer to live my life.

Akordy kytara:
Emi, Ami7, H7, Ami6, Ami, D7, G, C, G6
kytara akord Emi ( akord Ami7 ( akord H7 ( akord Ami ( akord D7 ( akord G ( akord C ( akord G6 (
Akordy ukulele:
ukulele akord Emi ( akord Ami7 ( akord H7 ( akord Ami ( akord D7 ( akord G ( akord C (
Akordy klavír:
klavír, piano akord Emi (ír, piano akord Ami7 (ír, piano akord H7 (ír, piano akord Ami6 (ír, piano akord Ami (ír, piano akord D7 (ír, piano akord G (ír, piano akord C (ír, piano akord G6 (
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Gipsy Kings - Bamboleo [text a akordy na]

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Gipsy Kings

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